"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field."

- Niels Henrik David Bohr

Friday, November 12, 2010

End of Day Journal (11-12-2010)


Live trading on 50 shares today:

I had several shorts get stopped in the afternoon - I tried 4 times on AAPL.

I had NFLX's HOD, but was back in bed sleeping off the remnants of the flu for the 12:05 drop.

I will make a note of this - I was a little early on nearly all the afternoon entries, there was often just a little more 'oomph' left on the move - a re-test of the prior high/low before moving.  This should either turn into a wider stop or giving a stock a little more time, I am going to try and go with the time option, probably a lot of this is letting my market sense develop. Speaking of which, I almost stopped at +$130, it didn't seem like the markets were doing much. The good news is I was right. The bad news was that I didn't take this into consideration on my entries.

An interesting thing happened on BIDU, I am guessing it was one of the HFT systems. NT saved the day with the sim stop feature - it doesn't implement the stop order until bid/ask reach a certain volume, so it ignored the fast drop and sold when it came back up. It happened so fast NT marks the trade prior to the drop - but it was a stop order.

Trade well.








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