"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field."

- Niels Henrik David Bohr

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Confidence is gained when you realize you choose your own path

'Confidence isn't gained over time and practice. Confidence is gained when you realize you choose your own path, you choose to fall, you choose not to fall.'

'If you are afraid to fall you fall because you are afraid. Everything is choice.'

- Daniel ILabaca

There are some great messages out there. This is one of them. So applicable to trading. I was reminded of this video today.

Pushing the limits, but only while fully aware of your limits. No doubt - this level of performance takes years of practice, but the first step is the step of confidence. About a lifestyle. Living in the moment. This is the kind of trader I want to be.

Trade well.


  1. "Confidence isn't gained over time and practice."
    Yes it is.


  2. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

    I think it is important to make a distinction between proficiency and confidence or they are easily confused.

    Confidence is the first step and without it we have lost before we have begun. Confidence is about being a participant and about knowing my limits. Confidence is about accepting responsibility, the freedom to make mistakes, and a willingness to get back up. Confidence is about me and right now.

    Proficiency is gained over time and has to do with where my limits are. You can have confidence without proficiency, but you can never gain some level of proficiency without confidence.
