"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field."

- Niels Henrik David Bohr

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chart compare

Many thanks to Fozz for the chart to compare to.

Here is a comparison of the true time data and what I was looking at today with a 15 second delay (TNA):

Big difference. It is hard to say how the trading would of gone. But I was trying to trade on the change in candle, and I was 15 seconds late. Chances are I still would have held on too long, i.e., I would have seen the +30 to +50 unrealized and waited too long. Ya never know.

One thing for sure, I will re-set the clock every morning before trading. I usually do. But I didn't today. Strangely enough, I thought the end of the 5 minute candle fake outs were coming a little early.

Lesson learned.

Another lesson from today - and I think this one is critical. Momo stocks move away fast. If they stall on the first candle - get rid of them for whatever profit you can. If you take a look at the day's trades - I had no problem hanging onto the big moves. It was the small moves that I faltered on and tried to reverse. Better just to take the profits and wait till the next candle. The big moves will come and you will realize it when it happens.


  1. CAT is up. the only way to know for sure if the beige charts are correct is to verify it with my lightspeed account tomorrow. but, usually the end of day today is correct. in fact, i erased the accumalated chart data for the day and refilled it. maybe you can do that with ninja trader.

  2. Not sure what happened to all your comments - I thought you had three.

    Anyhoo. I can delete all the historical data - but it is kind of a hassle. NT support said that if the PC clock was wrong then all time stamp data will be off, hence a simple reload doesn't work.

    Oh well.

    Thanks for the help!

    We should pick a chart to compare tomorrow. After we reset our PC clocks for sure!
