"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field."

- Niels Henrik David Bohr

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Interim - Where is DTF?

I haven't been trading over the last few days - I ran across a chart setup over the weekend that I decided to experiment with. (Yeah - I know, Fozz is going to kill me...)

Anyhoo - same basic idea - trade with the trend but a slightly different way of looking at the info. I think I have everything tweaked now and I am planning on trading it and hopefully getting back to posting tomorrow.

Unless I completely fall flat on my face. Heh. 

Naw - even if that happens I will post. Nothing to be ashamed about here. It even includes a black chart background! Whoot! =)

1 comment:

  1. damn son!!!!!!!!!!!!1 switching it up. all good brother. each one of us has to find our niche. for some reason i can't load the charts at the hotel but they look interesting. i hope they work out for you. let's see what happens.
