"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field."

- Niels Henrik David Bohr

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

End of Day Journal (9-1-10)


Finished the day at +$134 (paper trading 200 shares of TNA):

Profit curves are even less exciting today - but I scored a freakin' 100% on the day's trades! Whoot!

Not much to say - stuck to the plan and let things happen. Framing my trades in the 15 minute context makes a world of difference - thanks to Josh (via chat) and Scott for convincing me of this... finally... I don't think either of them said anything new, I think last week's frustrations finally opened me to the idea.

Emotionally I am still about where I was, I have to make a concentrated effort to focus (or - as the case was today, not focus) on yielding ground to my chosen belief system. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday reading through Douglas' suggested trading exercise and made an effort to consciously adopt it today. The market was incredibly slow and I spent time with more reading (and chatting... pfft) keeping myself distracted - or perhaps you could call it channeling energy away from fear/hopes/expectations.

Good days make for short and boring blog posts; I hope I have more of these on the way. =)

Trade well.



  1. You sat in those trades for a long time! Nice work!

  2. Thanks Tarigal! I was just sticking to the plan. =)

  3. Thanks Jim!

    Thanks again for your insightful input the other day as well.

  4. for a day like we had today, i don't think you could have traded it any better. rock solid brother!
