"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field."

- Niels Henrik David Bohr

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Charts and stuff (1-17-2010)

As I have been posting entries, changing blog formats, and thinking about how I want all of this to eventually look, I thought that an entry dedicated to more in-depth, yet still casual, review would be kind of cool. Hence this post.

Below find what are mostly charts documenting various metrics on the account. This will be periodically - or rather - non-periodically updated to keep everyone more or less up to date.

Expect the content on this entry to change as I keep thinking about it. Feel free to make specific requests as well.


The next three charts plot the percent change realized on a stock after it met the buy screener criteria - in other words, if I was able to buy all of the stocks the day they met the buy criteria, gains would match the pretty little red - and uptrending - line (the average)on the first chart. The second and third charts show the performance of the stocks that were either above or below the average gain value on day 10 of ownership.

(Above Average at Day 10)

(Below Average at Day 10)
The next two charts are new to this week - I am thinking I will be using them for part of my sell criteria, but not sure how all that will work out yet. The data is filtered for every day positive and every day negative in each chart respectively.

(Positive every day)

(Negative every day)

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