"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field."

- Niels Henrik David Bohr

Monday, December 6, 2010

End of Day Journal (12-6-2010)


Live trading on 50 shares:

Been a long and productive day. Traded till shortly after 11 ET and called it a day as it felt like things were slowing down.

As usual, some money left on the table and 1 poor entry (or a bad stop).

I am too tired to analyze the charts, so I will pass for tonight. It has been a long, typical, and very rewarding Monday. I will try to make up the analysis tomorrow, but I have quite a few things on the agenda so we will see. I am meeting with my committee chair to discuss my lack of a future in the engineering profession and my potential as a professional trader.

Ha! Wouldn't that be something - heh. Unfortunately, it is the somewhat more boring (not really boring - let's call it 'less potential income') topic of my dissertation and what he thinks about my progress before he spends all of Christmas break out of state and unreachable on the CO ski slopes (it is hard to believe at this point that I have to pay a crazy amount of tuition for the' privilege' of researching my rear end off... even after the proposal is approved I have to pay for an additional 12 hours to round the material off... ridiculous...). But hey - by this time next year --> PhD... and maybe pro-trader...

And a big huge shout out to Fozz! For making the schedule change recommendation! It was a reminder of what it is that I really want to do and where I want to end up in this business: pro-'trade-the-morning-take-a-nap-in-the-afternoon'-trader.

Trade well. 





1 comment:

  1. i would love to be a fly on the wall if that discussion ever occurred.

    well done brother. keep it up, then scale it up.

    i was looking at the 5 minute charts from this morning, dying to be able to gleam something from them so i don't have to sit in front of the computer all day and watch the 15's. alas, i am in a long term relationship with the 15. i just love it so much.
