"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field."

- Niels Henrik David Bohr

Friday, February 26, 2010

Interim - finally ready to go with IB

No posts over the last few days as I was switching broker accounts. I was able to sell on 2/24, but I did not. I entered several new positions quasi-end of day yesterday: CENX, JASO, and ROSE.

Rude awakening: IB liquidates positions! I received a warning yesterday that the account did not meet the margin requirements after my last purchase. I have been outside of margin requirements in TD, but they never actually liquidated a position. Surprise, surprise... IB doesn't waste any time at all. They sold half of my CENX holdings. Fortunately it was at a tidy profit, but I was planning on making more today =). Already I like the reduced commissions!

I should have been using the practice/simulated platform while I was waiting for the account to be funded, but it never occurred to me. The format/layout is much different than StrategyDesk and there will be a definite learning curve. Using the quick start guide I was able to figure out how to make some trades, but it feels very cumbersome at the moment. It didn't help that I had not saved my subscription status on IB, meaning delayed data, so I was trying to monitor up to date activity on SD.

SORL has been a burden... still trying to overcome the bid/ask gap and sell the darn thing. pfft. Such a fail.

Incredibly - the loss is substantial at this point - and still - I find myself optimistic about what the next day's activity will bring... go figure. How many times have I been thru this losing 'hang on just a little longer' game? After my last post, I thought I had myself talked into a sale on SOLR, but by the time I was able to sell, I decided to wait it out a little longer. Part of me was glad that the account was moving and I didn't have sell access for a couple of days, I think I was subconsciously expecting the position to come out as a winner by the time I was able to sell. Time to admit I am way out of strategy, accept the losses, and get back on track. I have to say again - why is this so hard to do?

I am rambling - but that is part of the reason for this blog - working out the relationship between my personality and successful trading. 90% head game, 10% technical analysis. Get into and over the head game.

Re. account update: I will have to figure out how to post the day's activity using Trade Station. For now the lonely Excel chart will have to suffice.


  1. nice insight... Your more then welcome to join us day-trading... its one of the free growing communications. I'll put you on the Follow List right now... Maybe you'll get some readers. We hope to talk to you Monday when trading picks up at 9:30 here... http://stockson.blogspot.com/p/chat_22.html

  2. Thanks for the comment - and the invite - I just noticed it =) Will check it out next week!
