"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field."

- Niels Henrik David Bohr

Sunday, February 14, 2010

End of day journal (2-12-2010)



Above target on one position today and a light loss on another. The sell point on KVHI had been higher because I liked the momentum behind the increase, especially against the general market, but I had afternoon meetings and decided to sell just above the strategy target. Of course the stock saw a big jump right after I sold. I am beginning to come to terms with the mental 'what-ifs' which I think is healthy. I repeat the 'steady with the an occasional outlier' mantra to myself several times a day. Fewer spikes and more consistency on the target chart.

Perhaps part of January was finding out what 'steady' is for the amount that I am investing. If I would have been smart about it, I would of collected the historical data and performed all of this analysis prior to beginning this trading experiment. I would probably recommend a couple of months worth of data along with a good backtesting record for someone new to trading. 

I am definitely more of a hands on learning type of guy. For me personally, the level of emotional involvement and over-riding necessity is just not the same while sitting idly on the sidelines or even virtual trading. While I don't like the losses incurred over the last 3 weeks, I am comfortable with them. Discouraging? Yes. But at this point I still consider this part of the educational cost. I am far from making a living at this.  

In other news - still working on the NT implementation. Also checking out Options House in terms of the tools available and commissions. And I am finding more blogs to explore.

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